- 募集背景
- 戦力強化のため。革新的な統計手法を用いて医薬品開発をリードいただくことが出来ます。
- 仕事内容
- Provide strong statistical leadership in the process of drug development.
The statistical analyst provides strong leadership in the process of drug development, by preparing CDISC complied databases, statistical summary table/figures in accordance with a schedule. During the development of protocol designs, data analysis plans, and regulatory interactions, it is expected to collaborate with relevant study team members and provide assists from statistical analyst point of view.
◆Statistical Analysis Results Delivery
・Operate in collaboration with global counterparts to prepare CRT packages appropriately meet with regulatory requirements.
・Understand selecting statistical methods for data analysis, then prepare programing codes for delivering analysis datasets and outputs accordingly.
・Collaborate with data management in the planning and implementation of data quality assurance plans.
- ポジション
- Statistical Analyst(臨床統計)【担当/担当課長/専門課長】
- 応募条件
・M.S. in statistics, biostatistics, or computer science, but not limited to. Any relevant certifications would be acceptable.
Rich experiences in healthcare field as a computational statistician with science background such as biology or epidemiology.
- 必要スキル
・Good communication and presentation skills in both English and Japanese
・Statistical/methodological knowledge and computational skill in clinical development, epidemiology, or related field.
・Regulatory knowledge of clinical trial methodology and statistics.
- 求める人物像
・Ability to build relationships with individuals and teams.
- 雇用形態
- 勤務地
神戸本社、東京支社 ※いずれかのご希望をお知らせください。
- 勤務時間
8 :45 ~17 :30 【清算制フレックス勤務】適応あり。フレキシブルタイム:5時~22時(昼休憩を除く)、昼食休憩:12時~13時
- 年収
- 休日休暇
完全週休2日制(土・日曜日)、祝日、クリスマス、年末年始・夏期 *年間休日125日、年次有給休暇、慶弔等
- 福利厚生
【待遇】各種社会保険完備(雇用・労災・健康・厚生年金保険)、住宅援助制度、借上社宅制度、グループ補償制度(医療費・歯科医療費補助制度等) 、受動喫煙対策:あり 就業場所:全面禁煙
- 担当者メッセージ
大手外資系グローバル製薬企業で、Statistical Analyst(臨床統計)【担当/担当課長/専門課長】職の募集です!