- 募集背景
- 業容拡大に伴う増員
- 仕事内容
- 【mission】
Plant / Site VPS(Value Production System) Manager is in charge of monitoring the internal production standards and lead the "Kaizen" activities of the internal flows.
・Develop competences of all appropriate people of the Plant/ Site
-5S & Product respect.
-Reduction of equipments losses.
-Direct Labour efficiency.
-Scrap reduction.
-WIP reduction.
-Lean industrialization.
・Propose to the Plant / Site Manager the internal VPS strategy of the Plant / Site.
・Ensure that the VPS rules are taken into account in new projects during validation of each phase.
・Help Plant / Site Manager to manage continuous improvement.
・Monitor the whole VPS axis deployment.
・Manage the production roadmaps.
・Organize trainings for 5S, Product respect, TPM, SMED, Hoshin, STOP SCRAP, VSA, Kanban, Continuous flow, lean industrialisation in accordance to Plant / Site priorities.
・Assess the VPS standards are applied properly.
・Permanently promote the VPS principles.
・Organize daily me
- ポジション
- VPS (Value Production System) Mgr
- 応募条件
・Engineer , technician or equivalent
・3 years with demonstrated success validated in yearly appraisal in manufacturing and /or supply chain experience plus lean training.
- 必要スキル
- 求める人物像
- 雇用形態
- 勤務地
- 勤務時間
9:00~17:30 フレックスタイム制
- 年収
- 休日休暇
- 福利厚生