- 募集背景
- 組織強化のため。
- 仕事内容
- The Market Research team belongs to the Business Intelligence and Planning, in the Marketing department, and is one of the core functions with Commercial analytics, Forecasting, and New Product Planning. This role is to provide an understanding of customer insights and market information based on the primary/secondary market research among customers (HCP, Patient, Payer, Co-medical, Caregiver).
Market research team usually partners with various cross functional teams depending on the project scope and objectives, such as Brand team, CEIT/MCE, Medical, CA, and also global/IBU to address to each of their business needs.
◆Overall Job purpose
Market researcher is expected to be a strategic partner as an “insight expert” who works with brand team and other subject matter experts to uncover customers’ unmet needs and define opportunities by the clear logic and prioritization.
- ポジション
- Market research(マーケットリサーチ)【担当課長・課長】
- 応募条件
・Bachelor’s degree
・Minimum 3 years of experiences in Marketing research or either Marketing with demonstrate fundamental knowledge of the role of primary/secondary data
・Experience in either healthcare industry or market research vender/professional firm
・Knowledge and experience of statistical approach of quantitative data analysis
- 必要スキル
・Written and oral Japanese and English skills, both at business level and above.
・Knowledge and experiences with marketing fundamentals (4Ps)
・Effective project management and execution skill
・Critical thinking, logical thinking, analytical ability, strategic thinking ability
・Problem solving skills (anticipate and resolve complex business problems, independently)
・Effective communication
・Basic skills of Microsoft excel to use/read the cross tabulation
- 求める人物像
・Strong communication, presentation skills with colleagues, cross functional teams, and Sr. leaderships
・Positive attitude, flexible for changes, prefer to analyze from complex information to answer to ‘why’
・Peer coach other members, and leadership mindset to drive forward
- 雇用形態
- 勤務地
- 勤務時間
8 :45 ~17 :30 【清算制フレックス勤務】適応あり。フレキシブルタイム:5時~22時(ただし、一斉休憩を除く)、一斉休憩:12時~13時
- 年収
- 休日休暇
年間休日 125日【休日】完全週休二日制(土・日曜日・祝日・クリスマス)【休暇】年末年始・夏期・年次有給休暇・慶弔等
- 福利厚生
【待遇】各種社会保険完備(雇用・労災・健康・厚生年金保険)、住宅援助制度、借上社宅制度、グループ補償制度(医療費・歯科医療費補助制度等) 【勤務時間】 08 :45 ~17 :30
- 担当者メッセージ
大手外資系グローバル製薬企業のマーケティング部門で、Market research(マーケットリサーチ)【担当課長・課長】職を募集いたします!