- 募集背景
- 戦力強化のため。
- 仕事内容
- Plan and implement product communication and advocacy related programs (Product communication, TA branding, patient advocacy, risk management, etc.) by closely working with internal stakeholders (brand team, medical team, Ethics & Compliance, Legal etc.) as well as external stake holders (patients groups, journalists and medical professionals) to maximize internal/external awareness of on-the-market and pipeline products, and also to accelerate launch of new products, increase disease awareness, and protect /enhance Japan’s corporate and products brand.
・Develop and implement product-related external/internal communications plans/campaigns aligned with brand strategies, while identifying communication opportunities and threats in the external environment and incorporate them into the plan appropriately. Plan/implementation includes the followings.
・Development of PR materials- e.g. press release, standby statement, factbook, Facebook contents, etc.
・Handling media inquiries
- ポジション
- 製品広報・CSR・ペイシェントアドボカシー(コーポレートアフェアーズ)【担当課長/課長】
- 応募条件
・Bachelor’s degree or above
・Minimum 3-years experience of communications or public relation including agency experience (preferably in pharmaceutical industry)
・Should hold professional experiences and skills which require minimum supervision to conduct tasks
- 必要スキル
・Fluent in Japanese and English
・Strong communication and presentation skills
・Ability to develop PR strategy based on the understanding of overall Brand Strategy
- 求める人物像
・Demonstrate above average ability to think critically, analytically, strategically, flexibly and independently
・Demonstrate proficiency in working cross-functionally with a positive attitude
・Having growth mindset
※製薬業界における広報経験があることが望ましい(過去にPR agencyで業務経験のある方もご活躍いただけます)
- 雇用形態
- 勤務地
- 勤務時間
8:45~17:30 【清算制フレックス勤務】適応あり。フレキシブルタイム:5時~22時(昼休憩を除く)、昼食休憩:12時~13時
- 年収
- 休日休暇
年間休日 125日【休日】完全週休二日制(土・日曜日・祝日・クリスマス)【休暇】年末年始・夏期・年次有給休暇・慶弔等
- 福利厚生
【待遇】各種社会保険完備(雇用・労災・健康・厚生年金保険)、住宅援助制度、借上社宅制度、グループ補償制度(医療費・歯科医療費補助制度等) 【勤務時間】 08 :45 ~17 :30
- 受動喫煙防止措置
【受動喫煙対策】あり 就業場所全面禁煙
- 担当者メッセージ