- 募集背景
- 車載半導体の売上高で世界No.1の当社で、最新技術を学びながら車載MCUの開発ができる喜びと誇りを感じて下さい。
- 仕事内容
- Backend design of MCU products for automobiles (40nm process or smaller process)
Layout (Placement of I/Os and IPs based on the timing, PV rule, and IP placement request. Routing the analog and power signal manually.)
P&R (Place and route with optimization for the timing and routability, and CTS)
・ STA, Timing ECO (Analyze STA results and create an ECO card to improve the timing results.)
・ Power analysis (current consumption calculation, IR-drop/DVD analysis)
・ Physical verification
・ DFT (Circuit creation, ATPG, SCAN verification)
- ポジション
- Senior Electrical Design Engineer
- 応募条件
? 日本語 語学力(ネイティブレベルのコミュニケーション力必須)
Native Japanese Speaker with excellent communication skill
? 英語語学力(TOEIC650 以上) / Business English skill
(Email/Reading Manual/Conversation/Teleconference)
? 社会人経験5 年以上(Being involved in the design of 5 or more varieties)
? Track record of P & R and STA(Over 5 years)
? Programing (Perl, TCL) Skill
? Problem-solving
? PC skill(Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.)
? チームワーカー / Team Working
- 必要スキル
? Experienced backend design for LSI (MCU and ASIC) P&R, STA, Layout, etc.
? P&R can analyze problems based on the timing results after placement and routing and the placement and routing results, and make corrections for data optimization
? STA can create a Timing ECO card to correct timing errors based on timing results and placement and routing results.
(Timing ECO can be performed even at frequencies equivalent to 250 MHz or higher. Also, the timing requirements of the high-speed AC Interface circuit section can be satisfied.)
? Layout should be able to understand the required specifications such as IP macro placement and routing restrictions and create floor plan data that satisfies the restrictions. Also, be able to draw manual power supplies and analog wiring
? Physical verification can be used to analyze error details and correct data
? Programming knowledge to study CAD optimization methods and facilitate data compilation and analysis
- 雇用形態
- 転勤
- 勤務地
- 年収
- 休日休暇
- 福利厚生
・給与改定年1回、賞与年2回(6月、12月) ・各種保険:健康保険、厚生年金保険、雇用保険、労災保険 ・諸制度 :退職金、企業年金、財形貯蓄、在宅勤務、フレックス勤務*、出産・育児支援、研修支援、自動車・自転車通勤 他 ・諸手当 :通勤手当、家族手当、赴任手当、社員食堂・食事補助 他 ・諸施設 :単身寮・借上社宅完備、保養所 他 *試用期間中、フレックス勤務制度は適用対象外となります。