- 仕事内容
Responsible for object-oriented, embedded software development including requirements analysis, design, implementation and validation. Main responsibility is Japan navigation DB and SW including annual maintenance
・Understand and apply requirements for platforms and architectures to be used in MMI and network related projects.
・Analyze customer and internal requirements and specifications and translates these into software designs.
・Provide high quality object-oriented software e.g. frameworks, libraries and related tools in terms of usability, efficiency, stability and testability.
・Code the software designs following company software processes and object-oriented and embedded software industry best practices.
・Analyze existing object-oriented, embedded software to add features, make modifications, and/or port to different platforms.
・Communicate with peers inside the Harman group to coordinate software development. This includes travel for worksho
- ポジション
- Software Engineer or Sr Engineer
- 応募条件
・Communication skill by Japanese and English is required.
・BSCS, BSEE or equivalent minimum requirement
・More than 7 years experience of Infotainment system software engineering as navigation, media player, connectivity etc.
- 雇用形態
- 勤務地
- 勤務時間
8:30~17:30 (休憩 12:00)実働8時間 ※フレックスタイム勤務制度あり
- 年収
- 休日休暇
・完全週休2日制(土曜日・日曜日)・GW連休・夏季連休・年末年始連休 各種特別休暇(傷病・慶弔等)
- 福利厚生
・健康保険(協会けんぽ)・厚生年金保険・雇用保険・労災保険・退職金制度(確定拠出年金)・各種保険加入(長期障害所得補償保険・総合福祉団体定期保険)・自社製品社員割引・社内イベント(クリスマスパーティーなど)・オフィスの環境に応じてマイカー通勤可 (要会社承認)