- 仕事内容
- 【Responsibility】
1) Conducts CAE crash simulation under full-car condition for development projects
2) Provides, evaluates and documents CAE calculation models according to internal and external requirements and policies and is responsible for the quality of the model
3) Develops test scenarios in cooperation with internal and external testing departments
4) Supports the testing phase and conducts correlation inspections in cooperation with the departments, documents and assesses the results
5) Inspects external CAE on plausibility and documents results
6) Supports the building phase in the prototype construction and considers the relevant
experience for the calculation of the CAE model
7) Presents, structures and represents calculation results internally and externally
- ポジション
- CAEエンジニア(シニア)
- 応募条件
1) 3-5 years of working experience in crash simulation in Automotive Industry
2) capable of Pamcrash
3) Native Japanese + entry level of English or Non
Japanese + business level of English
- 雇用形態
- 勤務地
- 勤務時間
- 年収
- 休日休暇
- 福利厚生